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Press Dossier   News Category    Economy    NBK warns against transferring money to unknown parties

Kuwait Times, Sun, May 19, 2024 | Dhu al-Qadah 11, 1445

NBK warns against transferring money to unknown parties

Kuwait: As part of its endeavors to increase financial awareness and inclusion among the different segments of society, National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) continues to promote the “Let’s Be Aware” campaign introduced by the Central Bank of Kuwait, in cooperation with Kuwait Banking Association (KBA). During this month, the bank intensified awareness material on all its social media platforms with the aim of increasing public awareness of various misleading fraud schemes to steal customers’ banking information.

In this regard, NBK highlights the various evolving fraud techniques, especially where scammers clone the voices and images of a relative or a friend using AI to make scam calls or send voice messages asking for an urgent money transfer for emergency. This way, payment links will seem as if they were sent from a family member or a close friend leading to transfer money directly without hesitation. Therefore, NBK stresses the necessity to verify the identity of any person or entity before making transfers.

Scammers steal people’s information, whether photos or video clips which contain their voices through social media platforms or even random phone calls, such as numbers calling from different countries around the world, which aim to steal their voices to use it in scams. So, NBK always warns against transferring money to unknown people, stressing the necessity to verify people’s identity before any transfers.

NBK warns against sharing any important personal information, such as social security number, bank account numbers, or password-protected information on social media, as this may expose such sensitive information to theft by unknown persons. The bank also stresses the need to verify information, websites and pages visited through social media to ensure they are the authentic official websites.

NBK always employs innovative methods to promote financial literacy among the public and familiarize them with their rights and the precautions that should be taken to protect their banking information and accounts. This is done by sharing educational messages, photos and video clips on its social media platforms, as well as reposting CBK’s related communications.

NBK also seeks to spread financial awareness among the largest segments to maximize the exposure of the campaign’s messages. It also harnesses its strong customer communication capabilities including all its digital channels, which are the most popular among all Kuwaiti banks. NBK’s efforts to raise customer awareness are instrumental in its strategy, as the bank always uses all communication channels to advise them to keep their passwords/PINs and financial/personal account information strictly confidential, and not to share them with anyone impersonating a bank employee.

It is worth mentioning that NBK is a key supporter and partner in all CBK’s campaigns and initiatives to increase financial and banking awareness among different segments of society. As a leading financial institution in Kuwait, NBK frequently organizes various activities to raise awareness on all topics related to the banking sector, as well as various training courses for its employees to enhance their experience in the areas of combating fraud and financial crime.

As a leading financial institution in Kuwait and across the region, NBK firmly observes its responsibilities towards the communities it serves. It is always taking the initiative to provide all necessary support to important and strategic campaigns, like the “Let’s Be Aware” campaign, which serve the interests of the national economy and society at large.

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